tisdag 26 juli 2011

Norway and the politics of hate

TERRORDÅDEN Gavin Hewitt, BBC News europaredaktör, sällar sig till skaran utländska journalister som beskriver Norge och Europa i en omvälvande förändringsprocess som aldrig sanktionerats av befolkningarna och således skapar oro, rotlöshet och splittringar. I går återgav vi en ledare i The Jerusalem Post som var inne på samma spår – en diskussion som egentligen aldrig varit möjlig i Sverige och efter fredagens händelser kanske aldrig kommer att bli det.

For at least nine years he carried anger towards the changes occurring in Norwegian society. He did not accept the multicultural country that was emerging. It threatened his identity and he felt alienated from it. He was in contact with other extreme groups who increasingly saw Islam as a danger and the enemy.


Across Europe there is a strong and growing concern about immigration. It is partly fuelled by unemployment but also has its roots in threatened identity.

Societies have been changing fast. There is mounting frustration that officials at both European and national level seem not to listen to the views of the voters.

With globalisation, national identity seems to have become more important. The nation state stubbornly remains the focus of most people’s identity. And so nationalist parties have made gains in many parts of Europe.

There are frequent expressions of concern about the growing influence of these parties. Others say that they provide a useful channel for the feelings of frustration and alienation.

Some of Europe’s leaders, from Angela Merkel to David Cameron, have questioned multiculturalism.

The danger, of course, is that such statements can encourage extremism. Others say that in Europe the debate needs to be had, openly and transparently about immigration and multiculturalism.

It cannot be hidden away because it feeds a paranoia but it is one of the most sensitive issues in Europe today and is rising up the agenda.


Norway’s tragedy will be used by some to speak of the dangers of populism. Others will insist that openly and sensitively these questions must be examined and not left to the internet chat rooms.


But these terrible events will prompt a time of reflection in Europe.

BBC News


Källa: Politiskt Inkorrekt